• Quotation

    «Im intensiven Bewegtwerden können Hörer*innen ihre Körper immer feiner empfinden.»

  • Vibrations (photo: softdb, 2019)
    A body is not just perceiving sounds, it is also their medium. Here is an essay about the materiality of sound and how the body shapes the listening process.
  • Jenny Hval (photo: Jenny Berger Myhre, 2016)
    The music of Jenny Hval engages you in ambivalent journeys. In her song «That Battle is Over», she reflects not just our inner but also our political realities. Read a sonic fiction essay.
  • Audrey Chen live at Savvy Contemporary, Berlin (photo: Raisa Galofre, 2017)
    Short Essay
    Music is more than just melodies and rhythm. It has a guttural level, and contains sound that is free from symbolic meanings. The singer Audrey Chen is obsessed with these acoustic materialities and creates a sonic language with her voice.