• photo: Immanuel Brockhaus / Brandon Daniel
    Book Chapter
    Im Buch «Kultsounds – Die prägendsten Klänge der Popmusik 1960-2014» geht der Pianist, Komponist und Wissenschaftler Immanuel Brockhaus auf die Suche nach prägenden Einzelsounds der Popmusikgeschichte.
  • And.Ypsilon in his music studio in Stuttgart. (photo: Immanuel Brockhaus)
    And.Ypsilon is a real sound scientist. As a beat maker for Die Fantastischen 4 he shaped the sound of german hip hop. Norient met him in his studio in Stuttgart to talk about his love for electronic music and his re-discovery of modular synthesizers.
  • And.Ypsilon in his music studio in Stuttgart. (photo: Immanuel Brockhaus)
    And.Ypsilon ist ein echter Klangforscher. Als Beatproducer für Die Fantastischen 4 prägte er den Sound des deutschen Hip Hops. Ein Gespräch über elektronische Musik und seine Wiederentdeckung von Modular-Synthesizern.
  • Boris Blank (photo: Immanuel Brockhaus)
    Boris Blank gained worldwide fame as a pioneer of electronic pop music and sound designer. Here he talks about his passion for electronic music, the shift from analog to digital and the magic of pre-sets.
  • photo: Thomas Burkhalter
    Bruno Spoerri is a saxophonist, composer, and a pioneer of electronic music in Switzerland. We interviewed Spoerri about his ways of working with synthesizers, virtual instruments and samples.