• When the ghosts return: Street art in São Paulo, Brazil (photo: flickr/K Alexander, 2012)
    Short Essay
    The song «Apesar de Você» («In Spite of You») by Brazilian musician and writer Chico Buarque is one of the most iconic protest songs published in the context of the Brazilian military dictatorship. Here, sound researcher Henrique Souza Lima presents a sound collage made from clippings of the word «despite» in various instances of Brazilian pop music.
  • Ricardo Ruiz and José Balbino at the sound system of sambada de côco, during the Semussum sessions (photo: Ronaldo Eli, 2010)
    Short Essay
    Cristiano Figueiró and Henrique Souza Lima created a track made by sampling, editing, and remixing recordings from a performance made by the Brazilian group Côco de Umbigada (CdU). Here, Figuerió and Souza Lima contextualize the CdU as a cultural and political agent in the city of Olinda, Brazil, and they describe the choices they made while working with the recorded material.