• Like meme music, but without sound  (photo: Euterpia via Wikipedia, 2014).
    Meme music went viral during the COVID-19 pandemic. Distributed via apps like TikTok, it might transform not only the way music is made, but also how it is consumed. An article about the cultural implications of an emerging digital format – and why we all might be Memecubators.
  • Office meetings in pandemic times (photo: Steve Koukoulas/Flickr, 2007)
    The pandemic-driven changes have produced new sensory dissonances: While some urban spaces became eerily quiet, ubiquitous video calls turn the domestic into a public space flooded by multiple voices and sounds. What do these sonic worlds tell us about the social?
  • KIZ
    Scholar Holger Schulze from Lüneburg is focussing on really heavy videos from trash to rave with a great deal of irony and parody – a real counterpoint to the first round of German video clips some weeks ago.