• Image 5: Record sleeve for Brahim Izri, Celluloid (photo: D’Ifrax-I-N’Ella, 1988)
    Academic Text
    Colonialism isn’t over, it’s just less visible. As a curator of the Berlin-based label Global Pop First Wave, Holger Lund feels entangled in neo-colonial paradoxes. An essay about the westernization of pop music and why its decolonization is inevitable.
  • Selbst Skulpturen sind manchmal einsam (photo: Pxhere, 2018)
    Soziale Gefüge benötigen beides: Zusammenhalt und Platz für den Einzelnen als Einzelnen. Aktuelle Musikvideos zeigen das Ringen um eine soziale Positionierung zwischen Vereinzelung als Gefahr und Einsamkeit als Befreiung.
  • Filmstill: Zebra Katz and Njena Reddd Foxx, «Ima Read», directed by Ruben Sznajderman, 2013
    Crucial changes in society have transformed our notions of gender and sex. The music video is one step ahead, demonstrating and testing new forms of gender and love.
  • Cover «Anadolu Döktürmeleri» by Arif Sağ
    Academic Text
    Anatolian rock – what does it sound like? Why does it sound the way it sounds? How has it started and how can this music be contextualized?