Nicolas Puig

Nicolas Puig is researcher in anthropology at the French Unité de recherche migrations et sociétés (IRD, CNRS, Paris University and Nice Côte d’Azur University). His research focuses on Arab fieldworks at the crossroads of urban anthropology and the anthropology of music and sound in Egypt and Lebanon (in Palestinian camps). In these different contexts, he investigates social, cultural, and political dynamics through the prism of musical practices and the making of sound environments.

He has published many articles on anthropology of music and sounds, some of them in English:

2016, with Vincent Battesti: «‹The sound of society›: A Method for Investigating Sound Perception in Cairo.» The Senses and Society 11: 298–319.

2010. «Welcome to the Camps. The Emergence of Palestinian Rap in Lebanon, a New Social and Political Song.» In Manifestations of Identity, The Lived Reality of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon, edited by Muhammad Ali Khalidi, 109–24. Beirut: Institute for Palestine Studies, IFPO.

2006. «Egypt’s Pop-Music Clashes and the ‹World-Crossing› Destinies of Muhammad Ali Street Musicians.» In Cairo Cosmopolitan: Politics, Culture, and Urban Space in the New Middle East, edited by Diane Singerman and Paul Amar, 513–36. Cairo: American University.

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