norient sound series

With this publication series Norient aims to establish an innovative multi media publication. The Norient Sound Series collects extraordinary research in the field of music and sound studies by following the the mission of our platform: Norient explores the world through music and sound. We conceive audio and noise as seismographs of our time and offer insights into strong, fragile, and experimental (artistic) positions of today, challenging mainstreams, and surface realities. We want to initiate dialogue around hopes, possibilities, and fears of contemporary life in a digitized world.

Are you interested in publishing as part of this series? Please send us your proposal.


Sampling Politics Today: Cowerartwork by Studio Flux (2020)

Vol. 01 (2020)
Sampling Politics Today
edited by Hannes Liechti, Thomas Burkhalter, and Philipp Rhensius
cover artwork and snap design: Studio Flux
audio snaps: Daniel Jakob
DOI: 10.56513/nftg6449
[Online] – [Table of Contents PDF]

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Norient Books, Bern

Series Editor

Dr. Hannes Liechti


ISSN: 2673-639X

DOI: 10.56513/lagh1648

The Norient Sound Series is a collaboration between Norient and the Institute Interpretation of the Bern University of the Arts HKB