5 Video Clips from Honduras

5 Video Clips from Honduras
5 Video Clips from Honduras

Speaking truth through poetry, a devotion to challenging stereotypes and life-affirming beats. Watch a list of videos from the depths of the lively music scenes in Honduras.


Wann gehen wir zurück?

Wann gehen wir zurück?
Wann gehen wir zurück?

In diesem Text reflektiert die in Deutschland lebende, lurische Sängerin Pardis Zarghampour ihr Verhältnis zur Kultur der Luren, einer indigenen iranischen Volksgruppe. Insbesondere die Musik spielt in der Kulturvermittlung eine bedeutende Rolle.

Sound: Casanora

The Otherworld of Music

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The Otherworld of Music
The Otherworld of Music

Music that hits you so strong that you stop what you were doing, transporting you to an otherworld. In this essay, our writer ponders this alternative space she finds when listening to specific tracks.


Norient Playlist 04/24: Tokyo

Norient Playlist 04/24: Tokyo
Norient Playlist 04/24: Tokyo

For emamouse, the curator of the April playlist, selected music that is rich with images of spinning and going to another dimension. From dreamy soundscapes to sudden bursts of noise and techno-influenced beats.

Design: Kai Oh
Sound: Pain Palace

Peek – AI! Brought to its Knees

Peek - AI! Brought to its knees
Peek – AI! Brought to its Knees

Artificial Intelligence turns emotive on a Swiss underground radio dataset and gives up in peace – collective curatorial practices winning over. A collaborative radio feature on various artists, programmers, and scientists from the Swiss (musical) underground. 

Design: Maria Uthe
Photo: Urs Rihs/AI

We Listen, but Other Agents Are Always Listening Back

We Listen, but Other Agents Are Always Listening Back
We Listen, but Other Agents Are Always Listening Back

When talking about listening in the broadest sense, listeners are usually at the center of attention.  In this dialogic essay, Rewire’s context curator Katía Truijen and Norient’s editor Philipp Rhensius what happens when the sound listens back.

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Design: Anja Kaiser, Jim Kühnel

Hearing Out a Window

Hearing Out a Window
Hearing Out a Window

Voices in crowded urban terrains, the sonic shock of fighter jets. Some music can evoke ideas of the life it is made in – and create relationships. Read an essay by Majd Shidiac.

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Design: Anja Kaiser, Jim Kühnel

Sonic Literacy: On Listening as Care

Sonic Literacy – On Listening as Care
Sonic Literacy: On Listening as Care

In her work as educator, the artist Antye Greie-Ripatti aka AGF aims to integrate «listening as an art practice» into school curriculums. In this essay, she reflects on teaching children the skill of listening to build environmental sensibility.

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Design: Anja Kühnel, Jim Kaiser

When the Sound Listens Back from Mexico

Mabe Fratti Playlist Snap
When the Sound Listens Back from Mexico
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Design: Anja Kaiser, Jim Kühnel

Re-Animating Things With Sound

Re-Animating Things With Sound
Re-Animating Things With Sound

What is real in recorded reality? While listening to the music of Lucie Páchová and Paweł Kułczyński, our author speculates on their use of field recordings of seemingly natural sound sources. Read a new essay from the «Sonic Worlding» column.


Norient Playlist 03/24: Bratislava

Norient Playlist 03/24: Bratislava
Norient Playlist 03/24: Bratislava

A scalpel cut of the Bratislava music scene. Subtle ambient, through the legendary Bratislava electroacoustic studio, emotional anti-pop, reinterpretations of folk, and dirty modular synth improvisations.

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Design: Kai Oh