Mallika Taneja

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Mallika Taneja lives and works out of New Delhi, India. Through performances, installations, and curatorial work, she explores questions of gender, solidarity, pleasure, rest, and remembering. She is particularly interested in exploring political possibilities of performative ensembles and the role songs have to play in leaving and gathering traces of people, places, and things.

Some of her works and collaborative spaces include «Be Careful», «Allegedly», «Rest of the Struggle», «Zanana ka Zamana», «Women Walk at Midnight», and «Sex Chat Room». She won the ZKB Acknowledgement Prize for «Be Careful» in 2015 and the ZKB Patronage Prize for «Allegedly» in 2021. She is currently touring her new solo production «Do You Know this Song?», which traces the journey of searching for a lost voice through play between the performer, her songs, her dolls, and the chorus that is built by the audience.

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