Utopian Mood

by McKenzie Wark

«You could say its mood is utopian, but that’s a word to use with caution. The contradictions of daily life pass through the club. The club is not utopian in the sense of free from violence. But maybe it is utopian in a difference sense: it’s a place where the possibility of the good life can be one of the feelings you're allowed to even have.»

The quote is taken from the text «On ‹Good Life›». Text read over the track «Good Life», at «Critical Karaoke», hosted by madison moore at «The Kitchen», New York City, February 24, 2022. Last accessed March 18, 2022.



McKenzie Wark. Theory icon. Bad Marxist. Transsexual menace. Raver. Professor of Media & Culture, Hudson University, NYC. Follow them on Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, or X.

Published on March 18, 2013

Last updated on May 07, 2024


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