Kamilya Jubran

Kamilya Jubran grew up in Al Rameh – a palestinian village situated in Galilée, in the north of Israel. Raised by her music loving parents, she was introduced and initiated to classical arabic music, and particularly by her father Elias Jubran – a music teacher and an instrument maker. At the age of 18 Kamilya made her move to Jerusalem, where she studied at the Hebrew university, and simultaneously explored her new musical pathway by joining Sabreen group-based in East Jerusalem. With the group she recorded four albums and toured in many local as well as international towns and cities. The very rich and intensive two decades of constant work with the group urged her to deepen her music research and consequently to shape and reshape her musical identity.

Since 2002 Kamilya lives in Europe, the first move was to Switzerland, then a year later to Paris, where she is based. In 2014 she founded Zamkana association, a non profit organisation that supports and accompanies original innovative artistic projects, respecting the values of freedom of expression and secularism.

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