What is it to be a voyeur in a world where everybody sees each other? What’s the difference between obsessed observation and the mundane swiping through Instagram?

  • Commentary by Christopher Kirkley
    In the film «Oulaya's Wedding», one is thrown into the middle of a traditional wedding in the Western Sahara. But is the overwhelming proximity to the filmed Sahraoui culture able to bypass exoticism, asks the director and archivist Christopher Kirkley.
  • Commentary by Hannes Liechti
    Tracing the genesis of a track by producer Ian McDonnell (Eomac, Lakker) we can follow the steps to learn how sampling is used to replace a conventional vocal track and discuss questions on the circulation and handling of media material in times of Web 2.0.
  • Short Essay by Jesse Samba Wheeler
    In 2013 Curitiba-based electropop band Bonde do Rolê released their music video «Picolé». A video celebrating the popsicle and directed by forty-five directors. Our author asks: How is this possible?
  • Commentary by Maxime Pasques
    A second commentary in French on the video «Formidable» by Belgium singer Stromae, written for our book «Seismographic Sounds. Visions of a New World». An elaboration on the typical Belgian «bonhomme» mentality.