Sampling is political: about the use of chicken clucks or bomb sounds in current music.

  • Short Essay by Jana Saleh
    Field recordings and sampling are at the center of this short essay in which performer and music producer Jana Saleh explains why her inability to use recordings of Beirut’s momentous events has led her to think differently about musical composition.
  • Remix by Raphael Kariuki, Kamwangi Njue
    Nairobi-based artists Kamwangi Njue (7Headc0) and Raphael Kariuki (DJ Raph) remixed conversations between seven Nairobi musicians and Norient’s Thomas Burkhalter, resulting in this compilation album.
  • Essay by Agostino Quaranta
    Taking cues from his interdisciplinary and research-based project Turbo Sud, visual artist and music producer Agostino Quaranta unearths the almost forgotten memories of electronic experiments made with pizzica pizzica, in the Southeast of Italy.
  • Podcast by Hannes Seidl
    In the fourth episode of the podcast series «You Are Here!» trumpeter Paul Hübner meets two sound obsessives: Drummer Etienne Nillesen and electronic musician and spoken word artist Elsa M’bala.