How did the internet change the power dynamic in global music? How does Egyptian hip hop attempt to articulate truth to power?

  • Playlist by DJ Borş aka Madalina
    In this video list, Moldova-based DJ Borș reflects on the identitarian limbo and relativity of her post-imperialist reality, asking: How are we using music to create multiple directions for our diverse existences?
  • Podcast by Ali Gul Pir
    «TIMEZONES» – Episode 19. This episode gives you a feel of what it’s like to be an artist in Karachi, Pakistan. A city of a million plus dreams, hopes, and problems. According to Ali Gul Pir, the most misunderstood place in the world.
  • Short Essay by Matthias Küntzel
    Warum bezeichnet Irans Revolutionsführer Ali Khamenei Israel als «bösartigen Krebstumor, der entfernt und vernichtet werden muss»? Über die persisch-sprachige Nazipropaganda im Rundfunk und ihre bis ins 21. Jahrhundert spürbaren Folgen.
  • Response by Bhavisha Panchia
    Curator and researcher Bhavisha Panchia crafts a thoughtful response to Gilles Aubry’s «Sawt, Bodies, Species: Sonic Pluralism in Morocco», detailing that the book is a conscious revisit of what it means to listen to and through sonic and musical heritage.