A City on My Mind

Nairobi often appears at the top of lists of «best cities for expatriates» and the like. It has a cosmopolitan reputation and is home to the African and even global headquarters of multinational organizations. All this hype hides the facts of hardship and stark inequality on the ground, where the majority struggle in a city with few amenities and little if any social support, as captured by photographer/DJ Emma Nzioka.

Click on the title image to explore the photo series.

Photos by Emma Nzioka, texts and song selection by Kamwangi Njue.

Photographer’s Note

For this series of images I explored double exposure photography. I would base the city within portrait images of Kenyans going about their daily routines. I feel that Nairobi is always bustling with activity, a sort of organized confusion. Most people have three of four things on their minds at the same time. Some move hastily with some sort of purpose, whereas others observe. Either way, their minds hold the city.

The Songs to the Photos

Most of Emma Nzioka’s photos are multi-layered and elicit different sensibilities when you encounter them. In relation with the imagery found in Nairobi music, I try to locate lyrics that resonate with the photos to create a sound that playfully bounces off the rhythm of expressions found in Emma’s work. The quoted lyrics are in Swahili/Sheng or Dholuo, with an English translation that is either literal or a pop cultural pun.



Shuku macho zinazokuangalia
(On Doomsday)

Taken from: Kitu Sewer/Mashifta: «Pesa, Pombe, Siasa na Wanawake» (2004)



Kisham sham kinyam kitam-tam
(Stop with the politics already, I’m only here for the campaign money)

Taken from: Joefes, Mejja, Mbuzi Gang: «Shamra Shamra» (2020)


En Route.

Mi huwanga na dinga, lakini bado mi huenda rotejo huko Mtindwa
(Who needs a car for psychogeography?)

Taken from: Wakadinali feat. Dyana Cods: «Morio Anzenza» (2019)



Niko hustling, nifike njati ya cafling
(I should have made enough by now for that new dress)

Taken from: Mbogi Genje: «Ngumi Mbwegze» (2019)



Nalo jino lako gani linalo mistari ndani
(You think you’ve got bars?)

Taken from: Judge N L-Ness: «Msanii» (2006)


Beba Beba.

Kuna deal inaivana, ikijipa nitaku-show

Taken from: Khaligraph Jones: «Tuma Kitu» (2020)



An adwaro kenda, onge ng’ama tera
(It is I who wishes to go, no one is taking me there)

Taken from: Suzanna Owiyo: «Kisumu 100» (2002)



Fahamu kila kitu kinapanda nakinashuka
(Today’s price is not yesterday’s price)

Taken from: Pili Pili feat. Lady S: «Ukimwona» (2005)

This photo series is part of the virtual exhibition «Norient City Sounds: Nairobi» curated and edited by Raphael Kariuki and Kamwangi Njue.


Emma Mbeke Nzioka is a multifaceted artist based in Nairobi, Kenya. Winner of the Cinematographer of the Year 2021 WIFA (Women in Film Award) and primary Director of Photography (DOP) in the award-winning feature documentary «No Simple Way Home» (2022), Emma is also an activist and educator. She is the founder of «Pass Pass», an initiative dedicated to empowering African artists, promoting free movement, global collaboration, and sustainable livelihoods, with a focus on restoring dignity to cultural practitioners. Emma works for Sim Sima and is a DJ and producer under the name Coco Em. Nzioka is the artistic director of the 13th Norient Festival edition in 2024. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, X, Spotify, or SoundCloud, Localeur, and 500px.


Nairobi Conscious Compilation (artwork: dudusquad).
Not your usual matatu ride. New flow from Kalamashaka OG’s Roba and Githingithia. New sounds from Nyokabi, Kaharibu Records, Al-Shaverb, and names you’ve never heard before. We hope this compilation of music by our friends takes you to interesting and unexpected places.

Published on May 06, 2022

Last updated on August 25, 2022

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