DJ Borş aka Madalina

DJ Borş aka Madalina, originally from Moldova, living in the Americas, decorates the grounding beats of techno, breaks and house with the nostalgic sounds of Eastern Europe and organic rhythms of Latin America. Originally a serious NPR radio DJ since 2013, now a notsoserious party DJ, Borş has played extensively in San Francisco, Tulum, Mexico City, and more recently in Bucharest and Chisinau. Her initiative Make Borș Not War offers support to local and refugee womxn through music and financial resources. In 2022, she founded the daytime party label AICI Chișinău. She is currently producing her first EP in homage to her home, foraging sounds across Moldova through her collective soundscape production initiative Ciulește Urechile. Additionally, she is working on folklore preservation projects with local folklorists.

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