Elisa Erkelenz

Elisa Erkelenz is a freelance curator, dramaturge and author in the field of classical, contemporary and transtraditional music. After years at Ensemble Resonanz as dramaturge and deputy managing director, in 2019 she launched the artistic research platform Outernational, which is dedicated to transtraditional, contemporary music and its discourses in concerts and listening sessions in Berlin and Europe as well as in its own magazine (VAN Outernational). With the violinist David-Maria Gramse she curates and hosts the podcast «Des Pudels Kern». As a freelance dramaturge and curator she works for various houses and festivals, from the Elbphilharmonie to the Donaueschinger Musiktage to Deutschlandfunk. She writes for VAN Magazine, among others, and holds a teaching position for dramaturgy at the HAW in Hamburg.

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