Carla Sophie

Carla Sophie is an artist interested in the interdisciplinary approach to concepts, techniques, and theory. She hold a Bachelor (2018) and Professor (2016) degree in Visual Arts from the Arts Faculty of La Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires.
In 2019, she was selected for the Master of Art in the Public Sphere program in the Ecole cantonale d'art du Valais, Sierre, Switzerland.
She has participated in livecoding events as part of the CLiC and Null collective, in NanoMutek and for TopLap's global streaming. She worked as an Art Director for Piuke Productions (2016-2018) in a webseries that was granted funding both from the INCAA (Audiovisual Art National Institute) as well the aforementioned university. She has done researched regarding how programming code affects art and the implications of interactive interfaces in Emmelab, with Emiliano Causa in charge. I've participated in a great number of seminars and workshops raging from artificial intelligence applied to art to theatre play.