Exotica in the Mix

by Vladimir Lenhart

The Serbian musician and journalist Vladimir Lenhard, founder of the tape label Lenhart Tapes, has remixed sounds, interviews, videos, and other material from the section of «exotica» from the Norient exhibition Seismographic Sounds.

Exotica (Introduction from Seismographic Sounds)

Exotic is always the other, the foreign, the exceptional. Musicians and video artists create new homelands in their music videos with colorful costumes, folkloric dances and foreign instruments. The line between Ethno-Kitsch and the vision of a new world is thin. In this chapter’s main video clips we find: an attack on fake ideas of British national purity, parodies of African stereotypes, and a kinship between Chile and Palestine. Furthermore we focus on South Africa, where musicians create very diverse visions of their home country: some mix together rituals from different places, others perform modern house music in rural settings, while some are accused of appropriation. Others look back into the 1950s, 60s and 70s, when musicians in the diaspora created exiting experiments with fake authenticity. Others focus on the dustbin of their culture. The South and its Diaspora send both direct and puzzling messages.

This text was published first as an introduction to the chapter «Exotica» in the second Norient book Seismographic Sounds.


Vladimir Lenhart is a musician and journalist from Novi Sad, Serbia. He runs the tape label Lenhart Tapes. Follow him on Facebook.


Seismographic Sounds
Seismographic Sounds: Visions of a New World
The second Norient book «Seismographic Sounds: Visions of a New World» introduces you to a contemporary world of distinct music and music videos. Written by 250 scholars, journalists, bloggers and musicians from 50 countries.

Published on January 19, 2018

Last updated on August 11, 2020


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