The Sample Shapes the Song

The Sample Shapes the Song

Swiss-Ghanaian singer and musician Joy Frempong of the duo OY made a trip to Southern and Western Africa to collect sounds and stories for their music. She tells us how she re-works these samples and what she is sometimes worries about.

Design: Safwan Subzawri, Safwan Subzwari
Sound: Aam Taateel

Everybody Has a Voice: Audrey Chen

Norient Snap by fertig design
Everybody Has a Voice: Audrey Chen

Music is more than just melodies and rhythm. It has a guttural level, and contains sound that is free from symbolic meanings. The singer Audrey Chen is obsessed with these acoustic materialities and creates a sonic language with her voice.

Photo: Raisa Galofre
Sound: Audrey Chen & Richard Scott
Extra: Luise Wolf


Norient Snap by Natascha Orestes

The Serbian sound artist has remixed material from the section of «desire» from the Norient exhibition «Seismographic Sounds». A mix full of humor, but also with some deep thoughts on discrimination, sexuality, and individualism.


Against Techno Patriarchy

Norient Snap by Csenge Csato
Against Techno Patriarchy

Constanza Piña is a chilean dancer, electronic musician and craftmaker. In her art, she questions the use of technology as a (male) ideology. Peter Gonda aka gnd met her at the Piksel Festival in Bergen, Norway.

Photo: triciacah

Stöhnen und Schmatzen: Joke Lanz

Stöhnen und Schmatzen: Joke Lanz

Mit dem Noiseprojekt Sudden Infant befreit der Schweizer Musiker Joke Lanz unterdrückte Körperklänge. Seine Noise-Sprache ist das Resultat seiner biografischen Prägung und Sozialisierung in den Achtzigerjahren.

Sound: Aam Taateel

Das kleine Requiem

Das kleine Requiem

Der Song «Sugarbread» der Gothic-Musikerin Soap&Skin alias Anja Plaschg ist eine Teenager-Tragödie. Aber auch ein Exorzismus - und Plaschg eine Besessene und Priesterin zugleich. Denn sie ahnt: Der Mensch ist ein liebesunfähiges Wesen.

Quote: Jan Dvorak
Sound: Aam Taateel

Warum Folklore verführerisch ist

Warum Folklore verführerisch ist

Simon Küffer alias Tommy Vercetti ist einer der wichtigsten Schweizer Rapper. Seine sozialkritischen Texte gehen einher mit seinem politischen Engagement als bekennender Marxist. Folkloristisches Lokalkolorit findet er widerlich.

Sound: Aam Taateel

Fragmentary Presence

Norient Snap by Safwan Subzwari
Fragmentary Presence

The photo series on the Bolivian underground punk band Gato Diablo represents the band's constant search for new places. It is a fragmentary, urban spirit, deeply rooted in tradition that speaks out to us here.

Sound: Aam Taateel

Alpine Dub Meets Jamaican Legend

Norient Snap by Davide Serpetti
Alpine Dub Meets Jamaican Legend

Jamaican musician Lee Perry, inventor of dub music, and Swiss producer Dubkoaj, inventor of the genre «Alpine dub» met for a session. Some thoughts about this special encounter.


Underground Sounds from Buenos Aires

Norient Snap by Adrienn Csaszar
Underground Sounds from Buenos Aires

In this playlist by Argentinian musician Leandro Ramírez aka El Murki we dive into the experimental sounds of the musical underground of Buenos Aires and its surroundings. All tracks belong to artists that he respects a lot and that influenced him in many ways.

Quote: Leandro Ramírez

Norient Mix: «Reverse»

Norient Snap by Arlene
Norient Mix: «Reverse»

With his project, Koeosaeme, Japanese artist Ryu Yoshizawa draws on the sonics of abstract electronics to create a spellbinding sense of controlled chaos. Listen to his new mix on experimental artists that have influenced him. Presented by Norient.

Design: Arlene
Sound: Junn